Thursday, 19 April 2012

Jullander - early singles

Well it's been a while. I can only apologise. Busy busy.

Anyway, carrying on where I left off, I present - Jullander.

Many moons ago I was given a box of demo tapes after the demise of the wonderful Wurlitzer Jukebox record label. Amongst these was a tape containing three songs by a band called Billy Mahonie from London. More about that if I do a post for them. But they agreed to let us put a single out of their stuff if it was a split single with a German band called Jullander. Gorgeous melodic post-rock, occasionally with German/English vocals.

Here are their first three singles include the songs from the Billy Mahonie split. The first is a 10" single called "im Dunkeln genauer". Babelfish translates this into "in the dark more exactly" which leaves me in the dark pretty exactly.

Second is their debut 7" simply called Jullander.

And finally, the sold out Stupidcat 7" split with Billy Mahonie. Jullander also brought out a version of this single in Germany in a different cover.

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